Business Magazine

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KI Bilder, erzeugt mit dem KI Bild Generator Midjourney, Teil 3

Midjourney KI Bilder – eine Auswahl

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Nun aber zu den KI Bildern, die mit Midjourney erzeugt wurden. Unterhalb des Bilds finden Sie die Bildbeschreibung, das sogenannte Prompt, auf dessen Basis das Bild erzeugt wurde.

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Hier also die Bilder:

headshot of white 50 year old male with dark grey mooustache, white background –ar 2:3 –v 5 –q 2

240z bmw z3m

Infiniti 240z in a luxurious car showroom –v 5

100 cars icons, technological, urgency

metalick golden clock

Close up shot of a beautiful asian woman head and torso, highly Intricate sacred geometry, 16th century filigree texture pattern neon LED bio illuminascent pattern texture engraved on face and skin, colorful bright background with lighting highly detailed, bokeh, cinema 4D, octane render, 8k, testp, F 1.3, BOKEH, tilt blur, award winning photo


photo of big iceberg in water, photorealistic –uplight –s 750 –q 2 –v 5

Cistome painted Gold 1970 chevy truck, lowered, airbrushed orange smoke painted on side, gold and orange painted wheels –v 4

a woman with dark red hair and brown eyes has a colorful tree of life as a background, thinking about life –upbeta –s 250 –q 2

white space command center neo-baroque design style minimalist from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey directed by stanely kubrick, designed by Donald Judd, photorealism, futurism, minimalism, –stylize 1000 –ar 3:2 –v 5 –q 2 –s 20000 –upbeta

white space command center neo-baroque design style minimalist from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey directed by stanely kubrick, designed by Donald Judd, photorealism, futurism, minimalism, –stylize 1000 –ar 3:2 –v 5 –q 2 –s 20000 –upbeta

a woman with dark red hair and brown eyes has a colorful tree of life as a background, thinking about life –upbeta –s 250 –q 2

photo of big iceberg in water, photorealistic, dramatic lighting –uplight –s 750 –q 2 –v 5 –ar 3:2

a woman with dark red hair and brown eyes has a colorful tree of life as a background, thinking about life –upbeta –s 250 –q 2

white space command center neo-baroque design style minimalist from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey directed by stanely kubrick, designed by Donald Judd, photorealism, futurism, minimalism, –stylize 1000 –ar 3:2 –v 5 –q 2 –s 20000 –upbeta

ultra realistic picture of children playing on a beach in Oahu, Hawaii –v 5

Steamboat, a modern high-tech steamboat with a sleek design and large windows, cruising through a futuristic city at night with neon lights and skyscrapers reflecting on the water, with a feeling of excitement and sophistication in the air, illustrated with digital art using a bold color palette –ar 16:9

Painting of a pirate galleon moored at a dock. The hull is black as night, with ghostly green spirits along the side converging toward the bow. Atop the deck stood four blackened silver cannons on each side that matched the black of the hull. The sails were pitch black, with the image of what appeared to be a wraith wielding a trident, with more green spirits surrounding it. At the front of the ship, was the figurehead. It appeared to be the same wraith that was on the sails, but more detailed. It wore a black cloak that obscured its face, and held the trident straight ahead as if it were pointing it at something, or someone. –v 5 –q 2 –s 250

Steamboat, an old rusty steamboat with a worn-out look and faded colors, sailing through a misty swamp with crooked trees and vines hanging over the water, creating an eerie and mysterious atmosphere, sculpted with clay and photographed with a macro lens to capture the texture and details –ar 1:1

Steamboat, an old rusty steamboat with a worn-out look and faded colors, sailing through a misty swamp with crooked trees and vines hanging over the water, creating an eerie and mysterious atmosphere, sculpted with clay and photographed with a macro lens to capture the texture and details –ar 1:1

Steamboat, an old rusty steamboat with a worn-out look and faded colors, sailing through a misty swamp with crooked trees and vines hanging over the water, creating an eerie and mysterious atmosphere, sculpted with clay and photographed with a macro lens to capture the texture and details –ar 1:1

squishy toy fruits with cat face cute Japan style

blue rose icon, cartoon

lumière après la pluie, arc-en-ciel élevé, différentes herbes dans la prairie, fleurs, gouttes de pluie scintillantes sur les feuilles de bouleau, résolution 16k, mise au point nette, acrylique –ar 3:2 –v 5 –s 250 –upbeta

[Badminton], [Stylized Badminton Player], [A stylized badminton player in action, inspired by the dynamic, graphic style of Tom Whalen. Use bold, contrasting colors to highlight the player’s movement and energy. The player should be depicted in a dramatic pose, capturing the intensity and competitiveness of the game.], [The background should feature bold, geometric shapes that convey a sense of motion and excitement. This could include shapes such as triangles, circles, or rectangles arranged in a dynamic pattern.], [The overall mood of the image should be energetic and thrilling, capturing the fast-paced nature of the sport.], [The image resolution should be 2048×2048.], –c 12 –s 550 –q 1

Painting of a pirate galleon moored at a dock. The hull is black as night, with ghostly green spirits along the side converging toward the bow. Atop the deck stood four blackened silver cannons on each side that matched the black of the hull. The sails were pitch black, with the image of what appeared to be a wraith wielding a trident, with more green spirits surrounding it. At the front of the ship, was the figurehead. It appeared to be the same wraith that was on the sails, but more detailed. It wore a black cloak that obscured its face, and held the trident straight ahead as if it were pointing it at something, or someone. –v 5 –q 2 –s 250

feather tip burning

ancient Vietnamese army, tribal aboriginesl wearing pheasant feather hats, cheering on mountain, Taratino film, cinematic, background of Ha Long Bay, –ar 16:9 –v 5

feather tip burning

feather tip burning

Steamboat, a luxurious steamboat with a grand ballroom and a lavish interior, navigating through the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean Sea with palm trees and white sandy beaches in the background, evoking a sense of relaxation and luxury, captured with a high-resolution camera with a wide-angle lens to showcase the boat’s opulence and beauty –ar 16:9 –v 5Steamboat, a luxurious steamboat with a grand ballroom and a lavish interior, navigating through the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean Sea with palm trees and white sandy beaches in the background, evoking a sense of relaxation and luxury, captured with a high-resolution camera with a wide-angle lens to showcase the boat’s opulence and beauty –ar 16:9 –v 5

Steamboat, a luxurious steamboat with a grand ballroom and a lavish interior, navigating through the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean Sea with palm trees and white sandy beaches in the background, evoking a sense of relaxation and luxury, captured with a high-resolution camera with a wide-angle lens to showcase the boat’s opulence and beauty –ar 16:9 –v 5Steamboat, a luxurious steamboat with a grand ballroom and a lavish interior, navigating through the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean Sea with palm trees and white sandy beaches in the background, evoking a sense of relaxation and luxury, captured with a high-resolution camera with a wide-angle lens to showcase the boat’s opulence and beauty –ar 16:9 –v 5

Steamboat, a luxurious steamboat with a grand ballroom and a lavish interior, navigating through the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean Sea with palm trees and white sandy beaches in the background, evoking a sense of relaxation and luxury, captured with a high-resolution camera with a wide-angle lens to showcase the boat’s opulence and beauty –ar 16:9 –v 5Steamboat, a luxurious steamboat with a grand ballroom and a lavish interior, navigating through the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean Sea with palm trees and white sandy beaches in the background, evoking a sense of relaxation and luxury, captured with a high-resolution camera with a wide-angle lens to showcase the boat’s opulence and beauty –ar 16:9 –v 5



Steamboat, a vintage paddlewheel steamboat with a dark smokestack and brass accents, floating on a calm and serene river surrounded by green trees and mountains in the distance, with a sense of nostalgia and adventure in the atmosphere, painted with watercolors on a textured paper –ar 9:16 –v 5

sketch, engineering, steampunk, high-tech microscope, design, schematic, paper, –ar 16:9

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